27 Sep

Causes of constipation range from simple dietary deficiencies to more complicated issues such as intestinal parasites or chronic diarrhea. Although chronic constipation is most common in America, it's not uncommon in other countries such as South America or Asia. In either case, finding the cause of constipation is the first step toward getting relief.

 A poor diet is the most common cause of constipation. Starches, sugars and trans-fats in the diet cause the colon to become sluggish and produce less fiber, making stools hard and bulky. These ingredients also make the absorption of other essential nutrients more difficult. A diet without adequate amounts of water also makes stools hard, bulky and acidic. A proper, well-balanced diet is the most effective treatment for constipation.

 Another cause of constipation is dehydration. Dehydration occurs when the body loses extra water through sweating or inadequate water intake. Many common over-the-counter medications like laxatives cause dehydration because they contain water. Some prescription medications also do the same thing. The best treatment for dehydration is to drink plenty of water, and to take any medications as directed. 

Abdominal massage provides relief from many digestive functions including constipation symptoms. An abdomen massage relaxes the large intestine by releasing gas and bowel contractions. It relaxes the lower part of the large intestine, releasing gas and releasing stool. This, in combination with a change in diet, relieves constipation symptoms.

 Another cause of constipation is indigestion, which results from not taking adequate nutrition. Indigestion is often caused by over-consumption of spicy or oily foods, by not drinking enough fluids, or by avoiding certain foods because they irritate the stomach. Taking an antacid tablet such as Tums or Rolaids can help to relieve indigestion by neutralizing the acids in the stomach that cause indigestion. However, if you eat too much spicy or oily food, you should avoid taking these medications. If you do take medications, be sure to take them according to the package directions. 

Many people experience constipation as a side effect to certain medications. If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, nausea, or any other type of constipation symptom, talk to your doctor about changing the medication or taking a different combination of medications. Changing medications may also change the symptoms you experience.

 An extremely rare side effect of medications used for treating chronic diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, is constipation. This side effect is called rebound constipation. Rebound constipation is when your body returns to its earlier position after a period of constipation. Usually, rebound constipation does not cause further symptoms, but it can lead to a more serious condition called dehydration, which occurs when your body loses fluids and water through your diarrhea. Severe dehydration can cause symptoms such as tremors, fainting, weakness, dizziness, sweating, fast heart rate, confusion, and shock. 

Although it is rare, some people do develop chronic constipation as a side effect of using antibiotics. These people have a weak or depleted lower intestine that has not been able to absorb enough nutrients, usually because of a depletion of the good bacteria in the gut. If you are suffering from this symptom, your doctor may recommend that you use probiotics, which are live, non-digestible organisms that are found in the colon and in the intestines. Probiotics can restore the appropriate levels of microorganisms in the gut so that the good bacteria are able to produce the amount of moisture and nutrient-rich feces that the body requires. These live organisms can also stop the production of harmful toxins that the body uses for digesting food. 

Poor colon health can also cause of constipation, since constipation occurs when the colon or digestive tract is not able to empty properly. When the colon or digestive tract does not get enough fiber, food, and water to pass through the system, you will experience a straining or incomplete emptying of your bowels. This causes the stool to become hard, dry, and hard to expel. Since straining and incomplete emptying can cause of constipation, it is important that your diet contains a lot of fiber. The fiber helps keep your stools soft, thus reducing the incidence of constipation.

 AJMAL DAWKHANA UK  remedies, including ginger, are very effective at helping your digestive system work properly and getting rid of constipation. Ginger is often used to help aid detoxification and to increase the speed of digestion. Ginger is especially effective at keeping the bowels regular, especially if taken regularly. 

Slower movement of the intestines are also responsible for causing constipation. The longer the digestive tract moves the stool, the more difficult it is to expel the stool. To reduce this, people usually take a bathroom break every couple of hours. A break of 30 minutes to one hour can help you to eliminate waste in the body. This method will also help you to have a regular bowel movement, which will prevent constipation.

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